DJDamnFool was still about four days ago, when he / she had a few words to say about a favorite subject. (Read - contributed an explosion of verbal diarrhea to a post about "Analysis of 607 BCe Rebuttals."
dear djegg, with your wisdom and insights into the watchtower theology, do you agree with their new "faithful slave" teaching?
you have not posted for a while, can you share your insights please?
i ask djegg because very few know jw theology the way he/she knows their doctrines and dogmas.
DJDamnFool was still about four days ago, when he / she had a few words to say about a favorite subject. (Read - contributed an explosion of verbal diarrhea to a post about "Analysis of 607 BCe Rebuttals."
share with us memories of the bizarre, funny, strange, what you hated, what you miss...we all have them.
(question..why the big to do between terms- convention and assembly .
Something similar!
I was 18 when I attended the "Divine Victory" international assembly in 1973, and was smitten by the love bug for the very first time. For me, the most memorable assembly ever.
i posted this on an older thread, but i wanted to get an honest opinion about this from all of you.
i think taking the 1975 approach with a jw is...weak.
was it wrong (and false prophetic) of them?
They may not have said so in so many words, but the thought was certainly left hanging there, and it was plainly obvious what they wanted us to think.
With all communication, it is not just what you say that matters, but more importantly, how it is going to be interpreted (this coming from somebody involved with High Voltage switching operations, where mis-interpretation of a written message is likely to result in death).
All I can say is that if the WTS didn't want us to think that 1975 was a probability, then their communication skills were abysmal!
my life has been transformed by higher education.
however, i am aware that college is not for everyone.. here are some interesting thoughts:.
All I know is that the $80 per hour I am now paid as an electrical engineer is definitely superior to the $30 per hour I was on as a "sparky":
- to say nothing of the improvement in working conditions (having previously worked in such unsavoury environments as the rendering plant at a local meat processing plant).
My present employer is rather unique, though, being prepared to recognize that a person's sheer amount of practical experience can compensate for lack of academic qualifications. In practice, almost always you would not get even a look in without a four year engineering degree to your name.
Consequently, I cringe whenever hearing about somebody passing up the opportunity to go to college (as I did, for cultic reasons), or deciding to drop out from college once there.
(With a 40 year degree from the University of Hard Knocks!)
are you moving on?.
i see some have a very hard time in life because of their witness past..
Not anymore. It was badly damaged, but in the last eleven years, I have been able to rebuild my life.
Like many, I felt badly affected by the WTS's anti-stance toward a university education. Currently, though, I am in the process of applying for membership of the Institute of Engineers, as an Engineering Associate (this is about as far as a busted @$$ electrician like me, who is staring down the barrels of 60 years of age, can aspire to go!)
If successful, I would feel a certain sense of satisfaction from achieving this on the 40th anniversary of their making me abandon my apprenticeship. Anybody want to wish me luck?
sorry if anyone has already posted on this but i did not see anything related in the few pages of active topics i checked.. last saturday i went to an oil change facilty and one of their perks is they give you a copy of the current usa today while you wait in your car.
on page 8a is a full page ad titled "liberty of conscience threatened.... a national sunday law will be established as the mark of the beast.".
the article then goes on a typical adventist rant about how saturday, not sunday, is the real sabbath established by god.
Thanks for that.
CT Russell was for a time involved with a group that called themselves the Second Adventists, who - like the SDA - had emerged from the wreckage of William Miller's 1844 fiasco. Whether, though, he was exactly "friends" with the Second Adventist's Nelson Barbour could be open to question.
i was looking on google earth the other day, take a look at it, the entire world.
notice how all of the countries and lands which were involved in all the biblical events are desert wastelands.
i thought to myself, did they destroy the soil and nothing will grow, well lets see how much rain they get a year.
Europe north of the Mediterranean lies in the path of year-round westerly winds, which ensure a regular and reliable rainfall:
- unlike the Mediterranean area (including its eastern margin) that receives the westerly winds only during the winter months (and sometimes not at all).
Furthermore, these moisture-laden westerly winds are forced to shed a higher than normal amount of precipitation as they ascend the mountain chain of the alps. (What is known as the orographic effect). There is no evidence to suggest that Europe was ever a desert, and it is extremely unlikely that any such evidence would ever be found!
i was looking on google earth the other day, take a look at it, the entire world.
notice how all of the countries and lands which were involved in all the biblical events are desert wastelands.
i thought to myself, did they destroy the soil and nothing will grow, well lets see how much rain they get a year.
The climate of any place on the western edge of a continent , and located approximately between latitudes 30 and 40 degrees, is determined by the Sub Tropical High Pressure Cells.
In years of higher rainfall (i.e what farmers would call a "good" year) agriculture has often been attempted in the more marginal areas of these zones (as was the case where I am currently working in South Australia). However, once the more normal rainfall pattern resumes, these efforts quickly fail - leaving behind evidence that could be interpreted as "the climate was once different."
The supernatural played little part in all this - and human activity not much more!
my dad heard from the co who heard from a do that heard from his brother-in-law that heard from the friend of a governing body's wife, that the gb is getting very concerned that "the friends" are losing sight of the nearness of the panda-petting paradise.
many of these friends are also looking too critically at the "spiritual food" provided by the "faithful slave class.".
don't tell anyone else, but i hear that the gb has begun testing something new on some of the sheeple.
The accuracy of the Botchtower and Afake magazines reflects every one of those 70-odd steps, too!
my dad heard from the co who heard from a do that heard from his brother-in-law that heard from the friend of a governing body's wife, that the gb is getting very concerned that "the friends" are losing sight of the nearness of the panda-petting paradise.
many of these friends are also looking too critically at the "spiritual food" provided by the "faithful slave class.".
don't tell anyone else, but i hear that the gb has begun testing something new on some of the sheeple.
Let's see:
- You heard it from your father,
- he heard it from the CO,
- the CO heard it from the DO,
- the DO heard it from his brother in law,
- the brother in law heard it from a friend of the wife of a member of the Governing Body.
No wonder rumours get started!